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5/2/20241 min read

Cli­mate Con­cerns

Caring for the Earth Friday evening, May 17, from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Climate concerns - caring for the earth

Everyone is concerned about the climate, it affects us all. But often we get stuck in powerlessness: the problems transcend us, as individuals we are powerless. 
In his interactive presentation, Jurijn Timon de Vos (1995) explains that there is another, hopeful way to deal with the climate. 
De Vos is a historian  and coordinator of ´Laudato si Alliance, a movement inspired by Pope Francis' climate thinking.
Based on his document Laudato Si', De Vos will give tips on how to turn despondency into positive care for the earth. 

Friday evening, May 17, from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. onwards we will have a chat with a snack and a drink. 

Sint Jorislaan 51, Eindhoven 

Entrance is free (bring your friends!)

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